Nature's Mother posted this recently and I just had to share. The author is unknown.
I’m thankful for not having boobs thrown in my face all the time by offensive and indecent breastfeeding mothers like the ones below:
Wait…Well, this is a bad example. Let’s try again.
Hmm…Just a minute. I’m sure I can find better ones than these…
Eh, still not offensive enough. I’ll check one more time.

That is better. LOOK AT THAT! I see about a half inch of boob. DISGUSTING.

That is better. LOOK AT THAT! I see about a half inch of boob. DISGUSTING.
Now that’s just…There are no words to describe how inappropriate that is.
Something needs to be done!
Something needs to be done!
But why stop at breasfeeding women? There are boobs everywhere.Beware! If you thought the above photos were offensive, you WILL DEFINITELY be offended by the photos below.

Not this one, though. This one was in plain view on news stands and in mail boxes in 19 countries world wide!
Not this one, either. This one actually won an award!
Oh, and I guess this one is fine too. Everyone knows you can’t sell jeans without someone being topless.
Or beer, for that matter.
Or sunglasses.
Or movie tickets.
Or CDs…
You know what? Maybe I’m crazy, but I think that someone mixed up some photos here. The first batch are offensive, but the second batch are just fine and dandy???
People who live in glass bras:
Shouldn’t throw stones:
If you think women have the right to breastfeed their children no matter where they are, please repost this…comment vote it popular whatever . Support breastfed babies and their right to eat in public!
Yeah It's not that people think it's gross or inappropriate. It's that other women are insecure about themselves and men don't want to confirm their insecurities by finding beauty in this.
ReplyDeleteSo true, I was cussed out by a girl in a super low v neck and no bra while I breast fed my son. "so gross! why can you cover up?" Ummmm I am showing less boob than you, and doing it to feed my son not get some guy hot and bothered. then I got a FU. >.< people!
ReplyDeleteCould not agree more! Y is it that we can literally have boobs in our faces all day every day by the media & advertising but the second u start breastfeeding u are disgusting. mixed up logic!
ReplyDeleteI am offended by all of those pictures. Keep your boobs to yourself, ladies!
ReplyDeleteYour just jealous...breastfeeding is a natural thing.
ReplyDeleteSO TRUE!! I am a breast feeding mama & wouldn't have it any other way. I am thankful each & every day that I am able to provide my son the best possible thing for him. I breast feed in public (with my hooter hider) & I'm not ashamed & never will be!
ReplyDeleteLove it!
ReplyDeleteLove this!!! I once fed my son while taking my daughter to McDonald's. He had missed his feeding because of a doctors appt. and I had promised my then 9yr old a trip to McD's. We sat in the back of the dining area, away from the crowd. The only way to "see" what I was doing was to lean over...I was covered like in the 2nd photo. An older woman complained to the manager, who told me I'd have to stop or he'd call the cops, I couldn't "do that" in HIS store. When I responded with "what? eating???" He, whipping out your boob! go do that in the bathroom! Ignorance is still commonplace.
ReplyDeleteLoved this!!!!!!!!!!! So true which is also so sad. This world is messed up.
ReplyDeleteI don't really care to see ANY of the boobs shown above. But for the breast-feeding: I don't care if women breast-feed in public... does it hurt anything to cover up with a little blanket while you do it? I was raised very modest and I get sooo uncomfortable when I see this. I personally think that breast-feeding is a bonding time between a mother and her infant, not something that the whole world needs to watch.
ReplyDeleteTo the anonymous posters who are offended by breastfeeding; it is not always easy to use a blanket. My baby hated the blanket from day one and would kick it off and scream. Therefore, we were unable to use one. Most of my breast is still covered up as in the first couple of pictures. However, you seem to be offended even at those. Well, I'm sorry but when babies need to eat, they need to eat. The whole world doesn't need to come watch, you can continue doing what you are doing. In reality, most people don't even notice when I'm feeding my baby because they aren't coming over and sticking their head in my chest.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous # 4, I agree that breastfeeding is a very natural thing. Who are you referring to when you say "you're just jealous"?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous #2 and Beth, I wonder the same thing. A woman with a low cut shirt showing off more boob than me would never be asked to leave a restaurant or cover up. Someone told me the other day that she was at a restaurant recently where a belly dancer was shaking her boobs in front of a 2 year old's face yet she was asked to cover up while breastfeeding. Something is seriously wrong with the way our society thinks! This is why posts such as these need to be reposted. We need to fight to get breastfeeding viewed as normal by our society!
Anonymous #5, what did you tell that manager? I probably would never eat there again and let all of my friends know what happened and to never eat there again either! Some of my friends might have decided to go there as a group and all nurse our babies at the same time, lol.
ReplyDeleteI've always thought that the problem some people have with visible breast-feeding is that the act of breast-feeding it makes it obvious that breasts are not primarily for the pleasure of men. I can't really find it in myself to be concerned about causing discomfort for people who have trouble handling this reality. Grow up, folks.
ReplyDeletePpl who get offended need to think we are feeding infinfants they need to eat. Also would u want a blanket on your head when you eat or do you like eating in a public restroom. It's filthy. I don't want to. I'm sure you. Wouldn't. Honestly show newborns and infants respect along with the mother's that are smart and strong enough to breastfeed. I find formula disgusting. It stinks tastes bad and you don't know exactly what's in it. I find it offensive to tell me my child doesn't have the right to eat when she needs to out of consideration for ppl who get rude and disrespectful. My child has the right.
ReplyDeleteI find it mildly amusing when people start ranting about this. The bathroom is disgusting? Have you people seen what happens in dining rooms? You touch all the surfaces then feed your child in these public places? I don't think the act is disgusting, I think you are. Lets roll our hands in feces and feed our child who has a new immune system? I especially like the comment regarding not knowing whats in formula. Like you know what you touched when you walked into the store/restaurant/bathroom.
there is nothing more beautiful than gods plan of mother nature at work
ReplyDeletewonderful piece here!
ReplyDeletepersonaly I breastfeed in public, and I dare anyone to say ANYTHING to me other then how wonderful it is to see mother feed her child with no shame. I dont give a rats ass, if it makes some moron uncomfortable. Im not feeding my baby in a restroom or with a blanket over thier head..if it makes them THAT uncomfortable THEY are welcome to go hide out in the potty twiddling their thumbs for 15 minutes, while I nurish my child..or better, why dont they let ME throw a blanker over THEIR head, so as not to disturb MY child while eating. I mean obviously they dont NEED the air anyways, since they think its okay to cover a child with a blanket or go hide in a restroom while feeding, like its somthing to be ashamed of. Hell Im not ashamed of breasfeeding, but I am ashamed of those that would rather someone nurse their baby in a dirty public restroom or under blanket. GROW UP, or GET OUT! Geeze!
I think there is a time and place for everything. The pictures on the above ads and magazine covers, they need to use more tact and should cover up. If they want to be nude, then go to Playboy. As for women breast feeding, why not go to a more private place, instead of in public. Breast feeding is fine, but there is a place for it. Common courtesy, there is a time and place for everything. If a man wants to suck on a boob, is it ok to do it public? Nope, there is a time and place for that.
ReplyDeleteI am CRACKING up at annoymous who compard a man committing a sexual act, with a child needing to eat. HAHAHA that is like my cell phone company comparing federaly mandated auto insurance, with their cell phone insurance. one is state mandated, one is not.. and in the same is nurishment and REQUIRED to sustain life, where the other is just mans foolish obession with a body part that was made to be used as food..............
They are right however...there is a time and place for breastfeeding..the TIME is when the infant is hungry, as they do not understand "hold on a minute mommy needs to hide from public view." The PLACE, is where the child realizes they are indeed hungry and requires nurishment.
Its truly sad, when people would rather listen to the screams of a hungry child and push that child into mental and physical distress, then afford that child the right to be fed when and where they need to be. Here I thought we as adults were to protect all children from situations that can be harmful of either the physical or mental kind....
Is it not harmful to put a child into distress because it is hungry and being made to wait until its mother can a place to nurse that doesnt offend someone else???
since when did grown adults and what makes them comfortable become more important then tending to the immediate needs of a helpless child??
Its truly sad thought to think that adults believe that its okay to put there own thoughts above the well being of a infant..and its truly sad that we are teaching our own children this same lesson.............
I don't know why someone would compare a man sucking on a boob to a baby having lunch. You are sexualizing it, when sex has NOTHING to do with it. Do you sexualize your 4 yr old eating a happy meal? Do you expect your cat/dog to hide in a closit when they are breastfeeding their kittens/puppies? I don't know of anyone who would freak out if they came upon an animal breastfeeding their newborns, I would bet you any money that everyone of them would find it adorable. But comming upon a human breastfeeding their human baby makes your heads explode??? You are OFFENDED and DISCUSTED because you think this woman should go hide in a dirty discusting bathroom stall to feed her infant just because you find it sickening to see her feeding her child from her body. I say you should be forced to go eat your big mac and fries in the bathroom stall because I can hear you smacking and it makes me DISCUSTED to listen to you eat. I feel like throwing up seeing you toothless old crones slobber all over your whopper. Take your mother into the bathroom and feed her no one wants to watch or listen to that. Now, aren't you offended and pissed off that I had the NERVE to tell you to take your mother/grandmother into the BATHROOM to eat?????? You should be offended. You should be PISSED. Now put yourself in the baby's/mother's place. Aren't you pissed that someone expects you to hide in the bathroom letting your food go cold and your 4yr old obviously has to go in the bathroom w/ you cause you're alone with your children. You all should be ashamed of yourselves for being offended/discusted. I am offended and disgusted by your ignorance.
ReplyDeleteTo the anonymous person who said there is a time and place for everything and compared breastfeeding to a sexual act: BreastFEEDING is NOT a sexual act in any way. Babies do not derive sexual pleasure from eating just as you don't and moms certainly do not derive any sexual pleasure from feeding their babies. No one tells someone eating a hamburger to put a blanket over their head or wait until they are out of public view to eat no matter how long that takes. A baby does not understand why anyone would want him out of sight or that he has to wait. He simply knows he is hungry, mom has the food, and he wants to be fed. No one should have to make a poor baby wait and suffer with hunger just because society views breasts as sexual and would rather look at Britney Spears half naked then possibly notice that a mom is breastfeeding her baby in public.
ReplyDeletea time and place.....A TIME AND PLACE?????? your ancestors didn't have a time or place! your baby is hungry. THAT'S your time and place. Have you ever HAD children? when a 2 week old is hungry, hes hungry and NOTHING will make them happy till they get boob (or bottle if that's the direction you go) If someone has a problem with my breasts being "exposed" then LOOK The OTHER WAY. The people who built this nation didn't HAVE a 'restroom' as some people are so quick to mention to feed their child or the OPTION of formula. They had the TIME AND PLACE of NOW because my child is hungry. HERE because this is where I am. So stinkin sorry it INCONVENIENCES YOU to feed my child. I forgot to think about YOUR delicate sensibilities when I woke up this morning and I apologize for my child being HUNGRY when your near by (if you missed the sarcasm there, you need help) keep walking haters. You sucked boob too.
ReplyDeleteThere is a time and place for it? It's called wherever and whenever the baby is hungry. You don't get all bent out of shape if a woman gives a crying infant a BOTTLE in public, and you should see breastfeeding the same way. Breastfeeding is not a sex act, it is not offensive, and its "time and place" are always and anywhere.
ReplyDeleteThis L&D Nurse says "You go girl!!"
ReplyDeleteI am honored to have breast-feed my daughter. I find it sickening that people would be offended at such a beautiful act. I am really saddened that society has now tried to sexualize such a natural thing between mother and child. There are laws in place to protect the right to breast-feed in public. And unfortunately there are some people that are so disgruntled about this that laws have to be in place to ALLOW YOU TO FEED YOUR CHILD?!? What is wrong with this world?
ReplyDeleteI breastfeed all three of my children, I once walked through the mall feeding my son and got a few weird looks for it but thankfully no one complained...thankfully for them that is because I would of had a few words for them. Breastfeeding is natural, beautiful and builds a strong and important bond between child and mother that lasts a life time.
ReplyDeleteSounds like attitude has gotten worse than when I breast fed my sons 36 and 33 years ago. The older son was only fed for 5months that way due to me getting sick and drying out. He has had a lot of health problems as an adult-wish I could have breast fed him longer. The younger son was breast fed for a year and a half. He is the picture of health. I never had any one complain, even when my toddler son pulled my breast out to eat when I was talking to a repairman. Back then the only magazines that had boobs in them was Playboy. Now magazines, tv and movies show more boobs. We need to get people to think that boobs are a babies bottle, not a sex toy. Then they won't be embarrassed when they see babies being fed.
ReplyDeleteBreastfeeding is best- and all of the comments of "Time and Place" well you obviously have never felt the tightening and sudden surge when your child needs to eat. It is not a sexual thing it is a natural human response to its young. Cats do it, dogs do it Hell every mammal does it. Are we going to start banning Mares from feeding their foals - Damn people driving by may get offended. Yeah I dare you to start screaming ewww I am so offended that animal is feeding her young PETA will kick your ass into the next millenium. Well its time ladies that we stand up and say BREAST IS BEST and I will not cover my child - I will not go into the bathroom stall. And to the person who said that it was disgusting because of where your hands were before you fed your child - SERIOUSLY do you not wash your hands before you eat? Personally thats why I carry a little thing called Travel Size Hand Sanitizer. Also as my mama always said - a little dirt dont hurt, thats where you start to build immunities from. In my opinion if there were not so many sissified cleanliness freaks out there- maybe we wouldnt have so many immune deficincies, allergies and just plain WIMPS in this world. So lets go girls pull up them granny panties and yes I said granny panties cuz yeah we all know they are the most comfortable and Stick your breast out! Feed that Baby!
ReplyDeleteNurse OUT!
ReplyDeleteHomebirth Midwife
Mothering with intention.
People need to get over their stupid issues. Breastfeeding is perfectly natural, healthy & appropriate. its the nay-sayer's complaining that is inappropriate!
ReplyDeleteHurray for breastfeeding! I nursed both of my children, whenever and wherever they were hungry. I did use a cover (the kind that has an arch so I can see what I'm doing and the baby gets fresh air), but that was for my own sake. My boobs are gigantic to the point where it wouldn't be possible to nurse modestly like the mothers in these pictures so I really needed the cover. Only once did I get a comment from someone saying that I needed to "do that somewhere else" but they shut up when I informed them of my federally protected right to breastfeed my child anywhere I pleased. Thank goodness for LLL and their little laminated cards letting you know the exact wording of breastfeeding laws! I'm lucky to live in a bit of a "hippie town" so breastfeeding in public is pretty normal here...
ReplyDeleteI lOVE this post! Good for you! People who have a problem with mothers nursing in public are either perverts or immature. They are to be ignore.
ReplyDeleteMy youngest child is 7 now so it's been awhile since I have nursed a baby. When i was a nursing mommy though I whipped my boob out where ever I was. Who cares about the closed minded idiots out there!
Feed those babies, ladies! :)
Most people are idiots so I just tell folks "The supreme court says I can feed my baby in public. If I took out a boob and flashed you, that wouldn't be ok, but if its feeding the baby that is my right protected by law". At that point I have never had anyone keep talking. They usually look around, mumble something and leave.
ReplyDeleteI'm one of the few moms who loved to breastfeed, but finds it unnerving when another woman whips out her boob in public. I did my best to conceal it, and having a blanket isn't disturbing to children. In fact most children accept whatever you do regularly as "normal" so trying to say they would hate it is a pretty lame point, IMO. I think that women aren't aloud to whip out a boob in public at any other time, and should also conceal it as best they can while breastfeeding. Why purposefully make others uncomfortable just so you can make a stand. I don't think anybody should say you *can't* breastfeed in public; our babies need to be fed! I just think a bit of modesty is required because the reality is that it is still nudity in public, and that's not something every person is comfortable with, no matter how comfortable YOU are with it. :)
ReplyDeleteThe guy who thinks it's not ok to breastfeeding in public is a jerk! It's a woman's legal right in Missouri I know. You wouldn't ask a mother feeding her child from a bottle to go somewhere private. Breasts were made for lactation. It's is the society's stigma that says otherwise.
ReplyDeleteI am a thirty eight year old mother of four and I can't honestly remember even one instance where I saw a mother breastfeeding her child in public. I have done it, and I am sure I have seen it (I don't walk around with my eyes closed) but I don't remember a specific instance where it happened. I do, however, remember seeing men spit in public. Now THAT is disgusting. This one bloke spat right in front of my eight year old and I had to grab him to stop him from stepping in it. Those who are offended by mothers nursing their children in public might like to stop PERVING on people and MIND THEIR OWN BUSINESS.
ReplyDeleteYou live in a country with double standard of morality!!! In other countrys we have no problems with such things. It´s the most natural thing in the world to eat - even for a baby.You have to change your way of thinking.
ReplyDeleteI understand that breastfeeding an infant is natural and healthy and a woman should be able to breastfeed her child anywhere, anytime her child is hungry! However, I think women are missing the point about modesty and the sexual nature of breasts. I don't think women understand that breasts are sexual to men and you will never change that no matter how hard you try. Men are visually stimulated and it does not matter whether you expose your breast to him to breastfeed your child or in a sexual way men will be aroused and you cannot change that. It makes men uncomfortable because they do not want to be aroused when you expose yourself to them, because breastfeeding is not sexual, but breasts are sexual and you put men in an uncomfortable situation.
ReplyDeleteI know many women will say, 'that is not my problem.' Actually, it is your problem, if you expose a sexual part of your body to a man it is your problem. It isn't the actual breastfeeding that is the problem, it is when women openly expose their breasts in public that is the problem. No woman should expose herself in public for any reason!
Breastfeeding can be done modestly in public WITHOUT covering the baby with a blanket and that is what should be done.
The reason breastfeeding is different than me eating my lunch is that I don't expose a sexual part of my body when I eat, you must expose a sexual part of your body when your child eats and it is only common decency to make sure you are not exposing yourself to others. I am not uncomfortable when a woman breastfeeds in a group of women and other women can see everything, however, I am very uncomfortable when she openly exposes herself to men. You can pretend all you want that breastfeeding makes your breasts non-sexual to men but it absolutely does not.
As much as we would like to believe that our breasts become non-sexual to men when we openly expose ourselves before nursing our baby but that is just plain not true. I find it interesting that women believe in being modest and yet just because they are breastfeeding they don't believe that exposing their breasts in public is immodest, I'm sorry but it is. They don't just become magically non-sexual when exposed for breastfeeding.
I don't believe you should have to use a blanket over your child's head but because of the fact that breasts are sexual and will always be sexual you should ensure that you are not exposing yourself either. Breastfeeding is not sexual, however, breasts ARE! That is why modesty is still necessary, breasts are sexual no matter what and women should be modest and respectful of that fact in public. Breastfeeding is normal and natural, but I do not agree that that gives a woman the right to expose herself to everyone in a public setting. To a man who sees breasts there is no difference, I'm sorry but that is just the way men work and women need to understand that. There are many ways to breastfeed in public, without a blanket and do so modestly. Breastfeeding would be more accepted in public I think if women would understand that breastfeeding is non-sexual but fully exposing their breasts is sexual.
Breast feeding is hard work & a mother sacrifices a lot of time to do it. This is why many moms give up & go to formula. Until I had a baby I never realized how difficult it was. Supporting mothers to breast feed is super important. Public restrooms are an inappropriate place to breastfeed an infant/baby, they have vulnerable immune systems & restrooms are filthy. In addition, there is a lot more that goes into breast feeding: positioning, adjusting clothing, working with a frustrated or distracted eater etc....try that on a filthy toilet seat!
ReplyDeleteWhen in public I do try to be discreet. Sometimes I nurse in the car, use a cover or if at the mall... I make the long trek to the Nordstroms nursing mothers lounge( thank you Nordys). However, sometimes it is just impossible & going home is not an option because it took so long to actually get where I was going. As Atticus stated, "you never really understand another person until you walk around in their skin a bit. " So next time you see a nursing mother, have compassion/ understanding... You have no clue how hard she is working & what her day/days have been like! Go moms!
We are mammals! We feed our young from our breasts. End of story.
ReplyDeleteThe word "mammal" comes from the Latin mamma ("breast"). All female mammals nurse their young with milk which comes out from special glands, the mammary glands. According to Mammal Species of the World, which is updated through periodic editions, 5,676 species were known in 2005.
I feel the need to address a few comments on here. To the person who said men get aroused, seriously? I'm pretty sure most men are not aroused by a baby eating. If you are aroused, you are probably a pervert, sorry to be blunt.
ReplyDeleteAs for a blanket doesn't bother kids, guess again. My baby who was birthed naturally with no medication whatsoever and happened to be very alert and awake most of the time from day one, completely hated the blanket from the very beginning. I was never able to nurse him comfortably under a blanket. He would scream and kick and on my first time trying it out of the house, everyone turned to look at me. I was the crazy lady with the screaming kid trying to cover up her exposed breast while her baby tried equally as hard to get that cover off. And I know for a fact that many of my friend's babies were the same way and even some who allowed themselves to be covered as newborns changed their minds as they got older and more active and wanted to see the world around them.
As a previous poster said, breastfeeding is hard work. If you were to read to my earlier posts about my nursing experience, you would see that it hasn't always been as easy as put a blanket over baby, get baby latched and relax. It has been a struggle but I've persevered because it is best for my baby. I struggled a lot with not going out of the house because my baby had to eat what seemed like every 5 minutes and would not allow me to cover him up. it's just not fair that I or my baby had to suffer because others might be offended.
It is not fair for any of you to judge without knowing what a mom and her baby have been through. it's easy to formula feed. Anyone can give your baby a bottle and no one will give you dirty looks out in public. Breastfeeding on the other hand, require a mother to be up almost 24/7, constantly attached to a newborn. No one can feed the baby for you at first and even if you pump later on, for every bottle your baby gets, you have to pump to replace the missed feeding. Pumping is not fun and for me took about 45 minutes at a time. Couple that with any breastfeeding problems that mom and baby may have had and it makes for a very stressed out mother. That mom you are judging may be hungry, sleep deprived and possibly even have postpartum depression and may have left her house for a while to clear her mind and relax. Or with our society being so unsupportive to new mothers, this mom may not have had anyone to bring her items she really needed and has to go out to get them herself. Next time you feel the need to judge and say how disgusting, take the time out first to educate yourself on the benefits of breastfeeding and on the history of how normal it was considered until formula was introduced. And don't forget to read up on how hard breastfeeding can be and the many problems moms can have. It will definitely change your mind.
(cont'd below)
By the way, the last thing on a nursing mom's mind is making a statement or deliberately getting attention. When you're hungry and sleep deprived and have a baby crying from hunger, all you care about is feeding and soothing that baby. However, people that are against breastfeeding but feel the need to seek out breastfeeding FB pages and blogs to make anonymous negative comments probably are seeking attention.
ReplyDeleteAs for breastfeeding being nudity, it is not and there are laws to remind people of that. If you want to argue that women are being immodest, and that we are trying to change something that cannot be changed, think again. Not even a century ago, women weren't allowed to show their ankles or other ridiculous body parts in public, yet breastfeeding wasn't given a second thought. As a previous poster said, boobs weren't being flaunted sexually on magazine covers and everywhere else yet breastfeeding was not considered so weird and disgusting and inappropriate. There are tons of pictures to prove what I'm saying if you care to educate yourself. Just Google historical pictures of breastfeeding and you will find tons of pictures of Victorian ladies with long sleeves, dresses past their ankles, and high collars with their breasts completely out while feeding a baby.
Sometime a few decades ago formula came on the scene and people somehow thought it was better than breast milk. Bottles slowly replaced breasts as the way to feed babies, the common breastfeeding knowledge passed down from woman to woman was almost completely lost, people stopped seeing breastfeeding in public and our society's morals became so degenerate that nude or partially nude women seem to be the way to advertise anything under the sun. With that, we are now where we are today. Breastfeeding moms are discriminated against and treated rudely for feeding their babies and, let me add that whether or not they are covered doesn't always matter to those being rude and discriminating.
If you think this attitude can't be changed, you are wrong. Breastfeeding was once accepted and that attitude changed to one of negativity and discrimintaion and we can change that once again. I applaud those of you who chose to breastfeed whether covered or uncovered. You have done or are doing what's best for your baby in the face of society's complete lack of support towards new moms, especially those that breastfeed. If we want future generations to feel comfortable nursing their babies, the change needs to start now. Let's take a stand to normalize nursing. Next time your baby is hungry and you are out, go ahead and feed them, covered or uncovered, however you and your baby are most comfortable! When you see a nursing mom, make sure to tell her what a great job she's doing giving her baby the best! What society needs is more support for nursing mothers and new moms in general, to make life a little easier and nursing more commonplace. Let's get out there and make a difference not just for us but for future generations! Good job ladies!
Most everyone on in their life time has breast fed so what is the big deal with feeding an baby in public? Really people you want a woman to go into the bathroom which is unsanitary. Maybe we should put your meal in the bathroom to eat so you can eat in the same unsanitary conditions us you expect the baby to eat in. You are expecting the baby and mother to sit in a bathroom which can smell at anytime? Really. Come on think about it. And call the cops on my wife go ahead the cops would not be able to do anything! Would you want your mother to take you in the bathroom and feed you? Think about it!
ReplyDeleteBreasts are sexual and so should be concealed, says one poster? I suppose they are, given some of the pictures attached to this article. But, hey, would I expect never to see a man looking at that Rolling Stone cover in public? I don't think so. So...these photos are OK but breastfeeding isn't?
ReplyDeleteBreasts are treated oddly. Sexual? Okay. But what about lips and hands? What's used more often in sex? I bet I could eat a meal in a far more sexual way than most women breastfeed (ever seen When Harry Met Sally or Tom Jones?).
My last word: when I see something I don't like, I generally look away. I don't try to outlaw it or try to make it disappear. Necks enable us to turn our heads.
Taisha- I posted about the blankets not being a problem and I know some infants do throw fits over it. There are other covers that allow the mother and infant an opening so they can see each other, which in my experience has solved that issue. I had a natural, unmedicated birth as well, and instantly nursed my son and did so for 7 months. I agree that nursing is wonderful and important, but I disagree with the concept that we are all mammals and thus should be able to flop out a boob whenever and wherever to feed our baby. We aren't animals, we are human beings and we must be conscious of the people around us who may be uncomfortable (for a variety if reasons) with the exposure to nudity, for thats what it is, regardless of the purpose. There are many men who do look at breasts as sexual even when being used to feed. I know my son's father was sexually attracted to my breasts even when I was nursing, and that is as natural and normal as nursing.
ReplyDeleteAnd a lot of breast feeding moms ARE making a statement or this debate wouldn't be taking place. There has to be a middle ground. Nudity is illegal in public, and nursing is a bonding and necessary experience for moms/babies. So why is a compromise of nursing discreetly so unreasonable? It's natural to pee, but we can't do that in public. It's natural to menstruate, but we don't take care of that in public either. We are discreet about all of the natural bodily functions that can make others uncomfortable, so why do you think this exposure of your breast is any different?
ReplyDeleteJeremy, it is refreshing to see a man feel the way you do and voice it publicly. I'm glad you support your wife, keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteAll I can say to anonymous is that you can not judge someone if you haven't been in their shoes. My baby just did not want his head covered and I'm sure neither would you. A tied on apron style covering may keep the baby from kicking the cover off but not from kicking and screaming in protest, drawing attention to his or herself as well as mom. At the same time, my nursing without covering my babies head and discreetly draws no attention whatsoever to us.
Again, do your research, breastfeeding is not considered nudity and there are laws to protect that. Peeing and whatever else you mentioned are nothing like breastfeeding but to each their own I suppose.
As for making others uncomfortable, there are many things People might find uncomfortable but that is THEIR issue. Just as they have rights so does my baby. Why are there so many comments about the rights of grown adults to feel comfortable and not have to see a natural act when they are perfectly capable of walking or looking away yet no one mentions the rights of innocent, immature, needy babies to be able to eat and be comfortable? Do babies not have rights? In the wise words of Horton, "A person's a person, no matter how small"!
Hahahaha it's ridiculous to hear about complaints on this's a way of life and it helps the fragile babies that are in need of those nutrients....I mean it's one thing to see a five yr old getting breastfed but I mean no one should ever question or harrass a women who is breastfeeding, during over ever....
ReplyDeleteSERIOUSLY I am so tired of people comparing breastFEEDING a baby to Nudity, to peeing, to menstruating, to taking a crap to masturbating, to a man sucking on a womans tit, to being gross and indecent and unacceptable!
ReplyDeleteYOu know what gets me the most... I had to take my baby when she was 2 months old to Emergency for a fever and I had to breastfeed my child there... This is how uncomfortable breastfeeding makes people... I was at a very well known prestigious hospital in my area, well I was nursing my child in the room we were in and every time a Nurse or Doctor or Technician came in, they were like, OH! Oh my, I can come back! or Oh I'm So SORRY! I'll come back! or, Oh, Umm, I can come back... Finally we were like listen she is 2 months old and she is lethargic and its going to take a while, please just tell us what it is it's not offending us if you stand here and tell us what you need to tell us... SERIOUSLY I looked like the 1st and 2nd picture on this blog. I'm a modest, petite and put together person... not a slob. I feel uncomfortable but quickly had to get over it because I didnt want my child to dehydrate and keep her temp down plus I was not able to cover my child because she was temping already at 100.4 and if I covered her, her temp could have spiked..
I was soo taken back and was made to feel So Uncomfortable that even medical professionals made me feel like I was doing something NAUGHTY! All but one doctor made me feel uncomfortable. The one doctor that treated me normally and respectfully was from another country... go figure!!!
JEEZE come on people its not like we are in africa and we are topless, breasts down to our belly button and feeding our children.... OR SHOULD WE??? Maybe it wouldn't look so DISGUSTING and naughty to people???
Psh... the way people view things... I love this blog post for that!!!
And lets put it this way, If you cant stand to watch DON'T! We are not here for you to watch like a porn or a movie!
My 5 month old is squirmy, demanding and a real trip some times. I love her but boy does she like to throw her weight. Try covering her in public, I'll have everyone looking at me! She shrieks, screams and throws a tantrum. Try reprimanding a 5 month old.. AHAHAHA impossible! and in the end you become a circus act then If I were to just discretely position my shirt over and latch her on quietly and peacefully.
Also if its that offensive then why don't public places like Malls and airports to make a dedicated areas for women to breastfeed their children and NOT THE BATHROOM! I will not feed my baby where Feces are!
It's not that it's inappropriate per say, but there is a time and place for it. If I'm out eating at a fast food place or restaurant i do not want to see some strange woman pulling out her boob to feed her baby. If you're going to breast feed your child and know you will be going to a public place then just pump some before you head out or give them some formula. I think moms who breast feed are wonderful, but they should keep it at home or in a private area, not out in the middle of the public eye. Yes, some magazines and people might show a good amount of boob but the difference is there isn't a child attached to it. You wouldn't potty train your child in the middle of a public place with hundreds of strangers around right? So why would you want to whip out your breast in public to feed your child, when you can simply just bring a bottle? Seriously, is it going to hurt the child if they drink from a bottle instead of your chest? Even if it's only for a few minutes? Just keep it somewhere private because not everyone wants to see it.
ReplyDeleteI am proud to be a 56 year old grandmother who breast fed all four of my children and am now watching my daughter give her son the best start in life as well. The double standards are to be expected, people will always want to feel better about choosing the wrong path by putting down others who are living for the right thing. They are uncomfortable because they know they are wrong, the facts are clear but they would never humble themselves and admit it. The comparison depicted above are brilliant and so clearly double standards! Please America wise up and do the Right thing support mothers whose only fault is trying to give their children God's provision for their growth. I lived in Africa 9+ years and this argument would be ridiculous there.
ReplyDeleteTo the anonymous person who says just pump or give a bottle: Obviously you know nothing about breastfeeding. Breastfeeding isn't just mix some powder with some water which takes a few seconds and be done, it is a supply and demand operation. The more you nurse, the more milk you make. The less you nurse, the less milk you make. Whenever a mom skips a feeding she can become engorged which means her breasts are full and sometimes even leaking. Engorgement is not only uncomfortable and painful for a mom, it puts her at risk for other health problems such as mastitis and plugged ducts. So while skipping a feeding once in a while is probably not a big deal, it can be if you go out regularly or if you will be out for a long time with no opportunity to pump. Skipping feedings regularly and not pumping to make up for it can decrease a mom's milk supply as well because, as I said, it is a supply and demand operation. I don't even want to get into the formula debate on here, I'm sure you are more than capable of doing a Google search and finding out the risks associated with it and how it can hurt breastfeeding, especially if used at the beginning. Pumping is hard work. As I stated previously, for me, it took about 45 minutes and sometimes longer. So my options are: 1. Feed my baby in public. 2. Never go out of the house. or 3. Wait until my baby is not nursing, take 2-3 minutes to set up the pump, pump for 45 minutes to an hour, store the milk, and then wash and sterilize all the pump parts. Over an hour's work just to get out of the house for a little while? I think my choice is clear: if I don't absolutely HAVE to pump, then I won't. By the way, not every woman responds well to a pump either. I have known moms who can only pump 1.5 to 2oz at a time so, for them, pumping for one feeding can take 2-3 pumping sessions in a day. Others I know, can't ever pump a drop and have to only breastfeed their baby directly. So as I said to a previous poster, you can not judge a person without knowing their situation and you can not assume things without reading the facts first. If you don't want to see it, feel free to look away. I'm pretty sure most nursing moms are not out nursing in public because they want people to stare and watch the whole time but because they must go out as everyone else does and their baby has to eat just as everyone else does. In fact, staring is rude and makes people uncomfortable so, if you're uncomfortable, don't stare. That way neither you nor the nursing mom will feel uncomfortable, problem solved!
ReplyDeleteBy the way, breastFEEDING and POTTY training are not the same in any way. And, how is it okay to show off boobs in provocative ways but not to feed your baby? That is pretty much what you just said and obviously you missed the whole point of this post which was to expose that same double standard. Breasts were created to feed babies. Yes, they can serve a sexual purpose as well but that is not their primary purpose. In my humble opinion, it is more offensive that those who view breasts as simply sexual objects are allowed to flaunt them in sexual and provocative ways in front of everyone than for a mom to use her breast for the main purpose it was created.
ReplyDeletePoint is totally true.. but it is much easier and modest to cover up when in public and nobody will even know what you are doing. A whole lot easier and conflict free!
ReplyDeleteThis is the other thing that gets me... is when people say just pump milk or make a bottle...
ReplyDeleteUnless you have had a baby or nursed you don't know that not all babies take to bottles! Some get so confused that they will refuse to eat all together and you have to re train them. Some will take to bottles and then reject the breast for good, some will take to bottles and do ok switching between the two and some will take to bottles and then suddenly reject the bottle over the breast and refuse the bottle all together. Some people don't understand that breastfeeding is not as "natural" as you think. It takes some babies time to "learn" how to nurse as well as the mother. IT can be frustrating for the mother and the child. So next time you think.. Jeeze she should have made a bottle for the child... Remember that NOT ALL babies can eat from a bottle!
And before you frown and degrade a woman for feeding her child naturally... Why don't you try to balance a blanket, a baby who fights you regarding any type of cover, and trying to discretely latch the baby to the breast before anyone can see you! Sometimes it's harder than it looks! People need to think about things like that before they make any comment to some struggling mother trying to care for her child.
We grew up in an artificial world where everyone bottle fed their children and suddenly breastfeeding is deemed to be better than formula and people are now being desensitized to it again.. welcome to 1950 with a twist... you cant feed your child in public but we can go out on Halloween dressed as genitals,(yes i've seen it at the halloween store.. Sick I know!) wear tops that reveal more than any mother breastfeeding and so on...
I don't think MOST mothers are doing it for people to look at them... they are doing it because they HAVE to feed their child. I'm sure most try to do it discretely.. and that's why you don't see every women, "flopping it out everywhere" but sometimes I wish people were a little more ok with it... people are more loose to MEDIA than real life. Get real people!
okay I have to comment to the annon who said just pump...
ReplyDeletereally..JUST pump!! If ONLY it was that easy!
I tell you, I have nursed 4 children, am still currently nursing my 4th who is 18 months old. Have a combined total of 10 yrs of nursing behind me. and not ONCE, let me repeat this, NOT ONCE, was I able to pump! I have tried differant pumps, differant holds, right at let down, right after let down, right after baby nursed, with baby in the room but not nursing and not ONCE was I able to get any amount of milk out. The most I was EVER able to pump out at one sitting was about an ounce and that was DURRING engorgment! So I am a HUGE pumping FIALURE! My body will NOT respond to a pump! which means..NO PUMPING FOR ME!
and to add to that...out of all 4 children only 1 would ever take a bottle! and I admit for him I did bring formula when we went out, to bottle feed. and I paid a very painful price for it. My boobs hurt so bad that I couldnt brush them with out with screaming in pain and leaking all over my shirt THRU my nursing pad!!! Ever walked aroud a store with a huge wet spot right on your boob? I have! it is more embarassing then sitting crossed legged in the toys section with a nursing infant in your lap, playing with toy to entertain your other children! (yes I have done that too! and yes it was discret! you could not SEE a damn thing, thank you very much!)
but back to my other other 3 children would NOT take a bottle! and when I say would NOT take one, I mean they would scream and scream and scream every time you gave them a bottle, then evatualy scream themselves to sleep. only to wake up 5 mins later screaming again, and if you gave them the bottle again the cycle continue until they got the breast! now I dont know bout YOU, but I shure as hell aint going to purposely cause my child that kind of distress and have them missing meals, because of closed minded adults!
and what is this with womem flooping out there breasts to feed? I have fed 4 kids, and NOT ONCE did I ever FLOP my breast out for the whole world to see! I have breastfeed in multiple places, and not ONCE was my breast fully exposed! Though I tell you this..the women who are uncomfortable with OTHER women breastfeeding in public seem to watch VERY closely just what Im doing. Where as the men notice and look away. NOT once have I gotten a dirty look from a male, but Ive gotten them from women. NOT once have I had man looking at me, like oooooooooh LOOK BOOBBY! BUT Ive had women look at me like OOOOOOOOOOH LOOK her boob has a kid on it! So tell me, WHY is it WOMEN seem to have most the issues? but men, just ignore it?!?!?!
Once you get the hang of it people don't realize you're doing it unless they're looking for it. Next have u ever done the whole pump thing? It's complicated compared to formula. You don't just add water. You have to warm it under warm water. With my experience, my daughter won't take it unless it's body temp. And personally I can't stand her suffering that long knowing I have doe already pre-heated. I don't use a blanket maybe a burp rag o er the shoulder. And noone notices really. Med who get off on breastfeeding need help. In other countries this isn't a problem. Men don't get hot and bothered women don't get offended. No one notices because it happens so much that they don't care. If people would learn to ignore and accept the facts of life, things will be easier. Personally when I have a second child I might get one of those brestfeeding baby dolls for my daughter and while I feed she can sit down with mommy and learn and be comfortable. After all, babydolls were made to teach young girls how to be mother's in a fun way. I love how excited my 2 1/2 month old gets when she knows I'm about to feed her. I love he smile tha shows in her eyes. The love feel for her now that I struggled with when I had post partum. Breastfeeding helped me cope and get over that confusing time where I was suddenly responsible for another human being that I created. Breastfeeding is beautiful and special and every. Woman should be so lucky to do it. I am blessed with this beautiful gift to my daughter. BREAST IS BEST.
ReplyDeleteA few thoughts..
ReplyDeleteMy favorite line in this thread so far: " Necks
are used for you to turn your head "
People, be aware there are MANY laws protecting breastfeeding in public, both state and federal. Complaining about it is against the law, not the nursing mom. This is fact,and fines get leveled all the time. In fact, many corporations are reeducating their workforce in handling these issues, thank goodness.
As for the sexualization of the breast, I'm not sure that will go away anytime soon, unfortunately. Ladies, next time someone gives you the evil eye while nursing, gently remind them that if 90% of breastfed babies where breastfed for 6 months in the US, we would save approx 3.46 BILLION dollars and that is a low ball figure. Working formula feeding moms take 2 TIMES the amount of sick time to care for an ill child versus breastfeeding moms. And breastfeeding decreases the Type 1 diabetes risk by 40%. Diabetes cost this country 174 BILLION dollars in 2007. BILLION. A 40% reduction could save 9.44 billion. How many government entitlement plans could use THAT savings?! Tell that to the next Social Security recepient who whines about nursing. Sometimes we have to discuss it in dollars and cents to get people to understand. BTW, these facts are easily verifiable, as a board certified lactation consultant, I have worked with these figures and studies, and the cost savings from breastfeeding is staggering. So perhaps the next time you see a breastfeeding family, it would be wise to thank them instead of complain about a stray nipple :)
A women shouldn't feel a shame for choosing to breastfeed her children is not a crime. I have 5 children and I breastfed them all till they turn one. when my baby needed to be fed nothing would stop me of doing so. Not to be rude, but who every was so close minded and had an issue with me breastfeeding was their problem not mine. All they had to do was not look or just walk away. Simple
ReplyDeleteWhere does everyone stand on breast feeding in public with a blanket over part of mommy and baby underneath? Its still breast feeding but a little more private?
ReplyDeleteTo the lady that had the Mcdonalds issue..... I would have encouraged the manager to call the police, when they arrived what would they have done???? Its not indecent exposure, nothin was hanging out..... Secondly you paid to eat there, so unless they plained on giving you your money back, I would have sat there until ALL of my family was done eating. Thirdly I would have started asking for corporate numbers cuz there is def. a court case bending for mental anguish, embrassment, therapy session reimbursment, etc. Oh and Im sure the 10 o'clock news or a good morning news station would love to tell the town about what a crap place this Mcdonald was, and then just think of all the breastfeeding mothers that would back you up in a heartbeat for someone being so ignorant!
ReplyDeleteDid you read any of the comments above? A lot of babies do NOT like being covered up, my daughter included. As a male, I support breastfeeding 110%
ReplyDeleteMy wife is always as discreet as possible in public, and I've never seen anyone give her any ugly looks. If I catch some pervert staring, I'll knock his teeth out. Like one person said, necks allow us to turn our heads. I'm a boob-man, but I don't stare. Breastfeeding is not sexual in any way, shape, or form.
Until they take sexually charged, provocative, immoral shows off television, like all those reality Shows you girls just love, then shut up about seeing a boob! seriously, sex is in every aspect of our life, at just about any age...and we just accept it. I would rather see all these shows that make being a slut look like a good idea off the air than to have women stop breastfeeding...I will be ok with my daughter breastfeeding when she is a momma, what scares me is that with social norms being so accepting of immoral behavior...its probably going to happen when she is 14 or so at this rate
ReplyDeleteThis is especially for all the comments from the mothers who think it is "so easy" to "just" bottle feed a baby...
ReplyDeleteI find the comments by all the breastfeeding mothers a little hypocritical and judgmental. You all talk about how you have the "right" to breastfeed in about those of us who would have LOVED to nurse our babies, but couldn't (for some reason or another) and get tormented in public by breastfeeding mothers??? Obviously, you don't realize the dirty looks we also receive from choosing to give our babies a bottle. I cannot tell you the number of times I was out with one of my two children, giving them a bottle and had a rude, inconsiderate BREASTFEEDING mother tell me I was doing a disservice to my child by not nursing him. Really?! You want to judge my decision, without knowing ANY of my background, but I am supposed to be accepting and non-judgmental of YOUR choice??? Give me a break! If you would like the right to breastfeed in public without being bothered, then leave those of us mothers alone who choose not to or cannot breastfeed our children. I could not nurse because of physical reasons (mine and baby's), and I was made to feel so guilty that I ended up exclusively pumping with my second child for THREE months! Talk about extra work...if I wasn't giving him a bottle, I was pumping to give him the next bottle. This all took precious time away from my first child, as well. So, before you breastfeeding mothers get on your soapboxes to whine and complain about being bothered in public about breastfeeding, how about be thankful you CAN and stop treating the formula/bottle-feeding mothers as if we are the devil himself?! It is NOT easier, as you claim to think...if I could have just nursed my child when out, versus having to lug and take pre-made bottle(s) with me, I would have done it in a HEARTBEAT. As for the health of my children from being a "horrible, non-breastfeeding mother" children have been sick less then all my friend's kids - most of whom have been breastfed for at least a year!
I'm going to make one comment here.
ReplyDeleteBreastfeeding in public DOES NOT EQUAL whipping it out so everyone can see.
Some women do that, I won't lie. But most women breastfeeding in public look like the first two pictures there, where you literally can't see anything. Most women breastfeeding in public don't want to show off their boobs to anyone who is nearby.
I've found over the last three babies I've nursed that getting out a nursing blanket makes people just as uncomfortable as catching a glimpse of boob. It isn't that they see anything, it's the thought of what's happening under that blanket. So what's the point of using a blanket when you can be a lot more discreet without one? All it takes is practice at home.
To the anonymous person commenting about breastfeeding moms attacking her for giving her child formula: where in this article is formula even mentioned? I think it's funny you are here to comment on something that has nothing to do with the article. I am sorry you were unable to breastfeed and I in no way believe formula feeding moms should be judged. I also agree that pumping is ALOT of extra work and addressed that in a previous comment to some who said we should just give baby a bottle when we go out. It is understood that breast is best (or normal) but formula does have it's place. However, I don't consider that a mom who can breastfeed and wants to should have to bring formula or pump when going out just so people won't complain. That was the point of my previous comment and I'm sure what others have in mind as well. If you read the comments carefully, those who suggest we just give baby a bottle are saying so because they do not want anyone to breastfeed in public and I and a few others have addressed how that is a lot of work, especially if we're pumping and not using formula and that's just not fair if we can just nurse and have every right to. But, again, breast vs. formula is not the point of this article. The point is that society has a HUGE double standard when it comes to breasts and that is hurting nursing mothers as they are often harassed for feeding their babies in public.
ReplyDeleteI'm bf'ing #2! I luv it! I'm not ashamed I barely shpow boob & I don't use a hooter hider! I have enough to have to carry around!!
ReplyDeleteabsolutely <3 this post!
ReplyDeleteoff topic a little, but: I have to agree with the last anonymous post. I have both breast & bottle fed all 6 of my children & the only time I have ever been spoken to in a rude, condescending way was while bottle feeding in public. Once it happened even though there was pumped breast milk in the bottle! Now, I understand that not everyone has experienced the same acceptance that I did, but I do wish all were treated that well.
ReplyDeleteMore to the point: I do not think it's right for anyone on either side of the debate to be rude to the other. It is just completely rude to go up to a stranger and judge them- whether they be bottle feeding & you don't think the child is getting enough nutrients, or if they are breastfeeding and it makes you uncomfortable. Seriously: MYOB (mind your own business!)If you MUST say something, do so to yourself after you get home. However, we all do have those moments when someone just can't keep it to themselves. Something I try to teach my kids is that even when someone is rude to you it isn't ok to be rude back, so when someone does make a comment to you (even though it's none of their beez-wax & they have no right to judge) you can be kind & inform them that this is the way that you feed your child & since he/she is hungry now you can't do anything else except take care of their need. (Basically I used to tell people "thanks for your input, but I don't have any other way to feed him right now & this is way better than making him cry")
Anyway, my one main comment was for people on both sides of the "cover up /vs/ be free" issue to at least be kind while voicing your point of view. It is possible to concede that both sides have a point. Breastfeeding moms can try to be as modest as possible, BUT if you see someone breastfeeding in public you can understand that the child is hungry & be thankful he/she isn't screaming their head off because the mom won't feed them in public. :) If it bugs you, be kind & look away.
You know what I am grossed out of: a person eating chili fries and drooling burger, stuffing his face with nasty food and complaining about my child eating the healthiest thing she could possibly eat. At least I appreciate living in Europe that I have never heard a single word of complaint from anyone, EVER vs. while I was in the US!
ReplyDeletePeople who complaint about breast feeding in public probably were not breast fed at all or were bottle in public, breast feeding at home babies or had nannies. Some of the styles girls and woman wear show more boob then mothers breast feeding do and breast feeding is natural, showing so much boobs in public not so much. What with their enhanced breasts (boob jobs with huge unnatural size boobs))ladies and even teens are getting now a days sticking out and don't get me started on the "new and improved rear ends" (Booties) that are so large you can have a tail gate party on them. So people who are bitching about breast feeding in public Chill!
ReplyDeleteI breastfed my son as long as he took to it and will with my next one. To the people out there who get in a huff and tell us to go to the you want to eat on the toilet or hidden in a restroom? No?? Neither do our babies!
ReplyDeleteits interesting that in parts of the world which have mich higher rates of breaastfeeding there isnt so much big deal about the sexuality of breasts, women are often topless at beaches, its just normal. maybe american men are obsessed because 90 % of them they dont get to nurse for long or at all as babies.
ReplyDeleteJust want to say, as an almost nursing mother, reading this has been very informational and inspirational. I definitely agree with the comments about not making people uncomfortable, but obviously if its not avoidable (upset baby, trouble latching) then if someone has a problem, tough luck. First priority is always baby, only after that can a nursing mother think about the people around her. And no way will you catch me going to a public bathroom to feed my baby, that's just a ridiculous thought. Besides, apparently in regard to boobs, showing nipples in the problem (based off of the things that are hanging around the media) and if you're feeding your baby its impossible to be seeing any nipple anyway.
ReplyDeleteNurse on women!
I'd like to add my 2 cents from the male perspective. I consider breastfeeding a perfectly natural act, and I applaud women who are comfortable enough to do it in public. I know people that have different opinions than mine and I attempt to talk with them when possible, but it's not something that most men are comfortable talking about and it's even stranger when another man asks them about it. I know some people are stubborn and set in their ways, but I disagree when they make a big stink about it rather than worrying about the bigger problems we face day-to-day.
ReplyDeleteWith that said, I have to agree that most, if not all, men view breasts as sexual objects regardless of why they are exposed. This becomes a bigger "issue" when the person doing the breastfeeding is someone that the male knows personally...maybe they're even sexually attracted to them. For example, I was participating in a baby and parent yoga class where breastfeeding during class was encouraged. The instructor was pregnant during the class (something that I find extremely attractive) and had a newborn baby that she ended up feeding in the middle of class one day. I still remember the short glimpse of her breast that I got, both out of respect for her breastfeeding her baby and being comfortable enought to "whip it out" in public, but also because it was sexually stimulating to get to see her breast...even if only for a second. Whether you agree or not, most Americans are raised with the mentality that the female breast is to be covered and kept private similar to the genitals. This makes glimpses of them, especially someone you know, "tabboo."
I do hope that when my sons grow up they live in a world where breastfeeding anywhere is universally accepted. Whether or not that will ever happen I do not know.
Anonymous from 12:17 again, one thing I forgot to add is the question I have. I often don't say anything to women breastfeeding in public, even though I want to congratulate/compliment/thank them for doing what's best for their baby/being comfortable enough to do so/standing up for their rights, because I think they may find it weird to get a "compliment" from a male who saw them breastfeeding.
ReplyDeleteIs this the correct thought, or should I be saying something? What would you think if you were breastfeeding and a guy said he appreciated you for being comfortable enough to breastfeed in public?
this makes me laugh at how dumb people can be nurse in private, then you would be mad because a mom and her three sons would be in the bathroom for 20 min and you couldn't use it. Comparing brestfeeding to sex wtf. its not even close to the same thing. I think that to make it fare to all you haters for one day when ever you need to feed your child in public take you bottles into the nearest bathroom stall and feed your child. These women that take the time and effort to breastfeed there children obviously more concrened with there child then what others thinks of them. All I can say is keep up the good work, and to the rest of the world try walking a day in the shoes of a nursing mom before you speak or better yet have a child first.
ReplyDeletewow not all men view brests as sex items and I hope you teach your sons better of that.
ReplyDeleteWith that said I wish people would realize how good brestfeeding is for babies and maybe they would understand why mothers go through with it. I read a post where a women actualy thought there was more blood in brest milk than milk hopfully readers of this blog will do some research and raise there children not to be so sex crazied and judgemental as others who disagree with publicly feeding yyour child and a little less time objectifing women
Anybody who thinks breast feeding is sexual is a freakin pervert! My boyfriend doesn't get turned on when he watches me feed our son! Everyone has the right to feed their child in public check the laws if you are uncomfortable you don't have to sit there and watch easy as that. I do t get why people get uncomfortable they don't have to watch. I wish so wine would say something to me while we are out so I can give them a piece if my mind but so far I have had no issues.
ReplyDeleteI am not an advocate for breastfeeding- I believe it is every womens choice how they choose to feed their baby. There is NO wrong way, when it is your way. However, as a woman- it DOES make me uncomfortable. I love the new cover ups. And I am all for breastfeeding in public, as long as a whole entire breast isnt exposed. And Im sorry, but I disagree with the argument- women all over the world do it and expose there breasts- yes, in third world countrys- we are not a third workd country.
ReplyDeleteto the anon asking about congratulating a woman on Breastfeeding in public..
ReplyDeleteI personaly would not be offened in the least if a man congratulated me on that. Men in my experience while breastfeeding in public are more comfortable with what Im doing then women are. They dont run away, or direct their children from it. Ive had them explain to their children what is going on and ask me if its okay for the child to have a peak, when the child showed interest. To which I agreed, of course. and recieved a lovely thank you from the father and a child who looked cooed over the baby, and went on its way.
On the other hand, most women will direct there children away, and in hushed tones say something to them. Its rather interesting really, the differance in acceptance that I personaly have seen from women vs men regarding this.
and so you know, no I dont use a blanket, but NO you cant see anything if Im in public either. and I will sit down anywhere to breastfeed if my child is hungry if there is not a seat avaible with in the store to sit in more comfortably.
Im ok w women breastfeeding in public take ur shirt off and ur panties too! If it makes u feel more comfy im ok with it!
ReplyDeleteMama's stick up for your little ones....born and unborn....babies need ironclad mommies to protect them from missing out on anything that is destructive to their fragile beings.
ReplyDeleteI get it, Breast feeding is a natural way to nourish your child while forming a bond. However, we can choose what magazines we are exposed to by the locations we frequent but we can not chose what other people do and honestly SOME breast feeding mothers should be a little more curtious in public places. I don't care if I see some "side boob" in the process but I am bothered by the fact that your child is suckling in front of me since I have been raised a little more modestly. Even my sister covered up and found a private place to do this and we are family!
ReplyDeletePlease, use modesty and try not to make it obvious so that I don't have to explain what you are doing to the small kids I have around me until the time is right. We don't want babies out in public naked because it isnt a social norm, neither is this. All I want is a little respect both ways, find a private place less obvious and I will show more respect and acceptance of breast feeding.
As a man, I find a pregnant woman beautiful to look at (I have three kids) and am touched by the beauty of a mother feeding her child. There is nothing wrong here at all but I would also ask that having said that, I am still allowed to view the Rolling Stone covers and Versace ads, too! Please?
ReplyDeleteBe strong, ladies. It is - as usual - a minority of self-righteous ad insecure folk that would take offense at a Mum and her feeding child.
Oviedo, FL
Here's a thought. If 1/4 inch of someone's boob saves me from having to hear a screaming, hungry child, then I will be more than happy to stare at you with a smile on my face while I'm trying to eat my steak. That's just my opinion though. If popping a boob in a CHILD's mouth allows us BOTH to have a peaceful meal, I say go for it.
ReplyDeleteI do not want to see anyone's boobs at a restaurant. Ever.
ReplyDeleteI find it so ironic when people refer to breastfeeding in public as "whipping out the boob". Seriously, people WHO DOES THAT?? I'll tell you who does that--beautiful wild people living in the jungle in the Philippines. And you know what? No one even notices. Men don't get sprung. Honestly, I WISH it was that acceptable here, but because it is not, the breastfeeding women I know are very careful to be modest while they breastfeed. I think, honestly, it bothers people just to KNOW that a woman in full view has bodily fluid coming out of a "private" body part into a child's mouth. That is not because there is anything sick about it--it's because our society is messed up in the HEAD PEOPLE!
ReplyDeleteAs for breastfeeding being a private bonding act between mother and child--you're absolutely right, it is. But that's not the only thing it is. It is nourishment, and when your babies hungry and your stressed, you need to do what you need to do and there should be NO SHAME associated with it. It is SO sad to me that a woman who offers her own body to nourish her child-one of the most beautiful, sacred, sweet acts of devotion and life-giving and maternal instinct-- is the point of such distaste in our culture. Shame on any one who disapproves!
No one find its comfortable to see half naked ladies walking around JUST like no one finds it comfortable to watch someone breastfeed (first two pictures are completely fine, last handfull are not). That is why the general public agrees that there are places where each of these things are acceptable (I guess) for the first: strip clubs and dance clubs, and for the second: your home, the family restroom at the mall, your vehicle BEFORE you bring your daughter into eat the McDonalds you promised her...(but, depends on how much you want to expose want to take your whole shirt off, please do, but if I cant do it in the middle of the mall then you shouldnt be able to either). All the malls I have ever been too have family restrooms so that you can breastfeed with some privacy if you cant use blankets or need to lift up your whole shirt. I am all for breastfeeding, and breast feeding in public, but not just whipping your whole boob out so we can see it. Cover it up a little. You are trying to tell me that it should be acceptable for women to expose their whole breast with the only thing covering their nipple is a mouth, BUT I think we have forgotten that it is still NOT socially acceptable for ANYONE to walk around in public with their boobs out with something that little covering a nipple. The posts about girls with low cut shirts, yeah good point - I agree with you, but at the same time you were grossed out that she wasnt wearing a you are telling me that its ok for you to be grossed out by her but she cant be grossed out by you?? Hypocritical.
ReplyDeleteSeriously? Why would you want to breastfeed on a bench in the middle of the mall for the whole world to see? Breastfeeding is an intimate, personal, and private time between you and your baby...not you and the mall. For the people who say that it is horrible to not feed your child when they are hungry....then I say that it is horrible that you arent aware that babies have very set eating schedules and its irresponsible that you plan mall trips and mcdonalds outting during that time that you SHOULD know that your baby will be hungry. Be prepared, schedule your day a little bit better, and if you have to feed your baby, do it, just cover it up a little.
ReplyDeleteJeremy: many malls have started designing family restrooms that are complete with very spacious waiting rooms with couches so that mothers can feed their babies in private. I hope that I am being clear that this is a seperate room from the bathroom. I think it is wonderful that they are creating this for mothers so they feel like they have a nice, comfortable, and semi private place to go to feed their child. I am not sure where you live but I feel that the people who are saying "take them to the bathroom" are meaning the family restrooms. I would never feed my baby in a bathroom stall and neither would anyone else. But I would definately use a family restroom or my vehicle before I fed my baby in public.
ReplyDeleteSome peoples opinions on this subject simply baffle me! I have a tendency to go on and I am going to try to be short and direct on a few things.
ReplyDelete1. I find it very interesting that most men are perfectly comfortable and encouraging around/towards breastfeeding women, while other women can be so judgmental. It's sad, really.
2. My son is 10 months now and is sill breast feeding, though only at night and in the morning (that's a whole other story.)I had to introduce a bottle and pump, because I work. Slowly I stopped producing much of anything from pumping, but had plenty of milk for his nursing sessions. My milk supply slowly dwindled because pumping did not stimulate my body the him nursing did. My body didn't know to produce enough milk! So, pumping really isn't an option for everyone and to expect a mother to pump enough milk ahead of time to take along is a little absurd! Especially when pumping woud take me up to an hour for the amount of milk my son could nurse in as little as 10 minutes!!!
3. If I hadn't needed to pump and introduce bottles, I truly believe that I wouldn't have had the supply issues I've had. I wouldn't have had to supplement formula starting when he was 6 months and he wouldnt have decided (just recently) that a bottle is just much easier for busy mobile babies! I'm hoping to continue our night time, middle of the night dream feeds and morning nursing sessions.I believe I would have been able to exclusivly breast feed him until he self wiened, if I had been able to offer him breast at every or at least most of his feedings. Unfortunatly many women are not able to stay home with our babies. I wonder how many more women would breast feed and for longer if we were offered the same support as...say, Canada where mothers recieve 1 year paid maternity leave, with an option of a second year(unpaid). That is a whole other can of worms, isn't it?
4. Breasts were made for nourishing our babies. It's an incredible, beautiful and natural act. To compare nourishing a baby to peeing or potty training is simply ignorant.
5. I have a hooter hider, utter cover...whatever you'd like to call it. Karsten rarely tolerated it! I'd use it at times while i got him to latch on and then I'd remove it. A funny story actually: I was at paradise Bakery on a weekday around 2pm. We picked a corner table and got comfortable. Karsten (my son) was hungry and I was trying to get him situated under the nursing cover. There was a college student (male) at the table infront of us. Karsten was throwing a fit about the cover. This guy came over to me and said, "Mam, it would probably be a lot less stressful on you and your baby if you uncovered his head and stopped worrying about everyone else in the room. Just feed your baby. Anyone who is more offended by a mother feeding her baby than by the baby screaming because he's hungry is in serious need of a reality check." I took off my cover, let out a huge sigh of relief and he latched on just perfcetly. I stopped using my cover from then on.
6. Yes, the breast is over sexualized here. I don't see that changing, unfortionatly. but really, that isn't a breast feeding mother's problem. That's a problem with society. I'm not going to make my baby cry because he's hungry just because some man may be attracted to the tiny flash of flesh he may see while I'm getting situated. or if god forbid, my son unlatches for a second. He's just checking out his suroundings!
6. The time and place to nurse, is when your baby is hungry, wherever you are when he gets hungry.
7. I agree that women should support other women no matter their choices. None of us know the circumstances of the other. We shouldn't judge a mother for how she's feeding her baby. As long as baby is being fed! But, that's a whole other conversation.
OMG The pictures say enough, but your captions are the cherry on top! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI didn't breast feed but honestly women should be allowed to feed their child anywhere they are, bottle or breast. It shouldn't matter! Most breast feeding mothers don't expose any more than what a woman in a bikini exposes! Its the most natural thing in the world.
ReplyDeletei agree i am offended at wom,en who only show 1/2 inch of boob... i say all the boob or gtfo.. and remember if you didnt bring enough for everyone ...... LOL people have to complain.
ReplyDeleteBreast feeding mums and their babies need our protection, positive support, and respect.
ReplyDeleteQuite a number of western legislators protect the mother and baby re breast feeding.
It is the discriminators, the oppressors, and the weirdos that need an improvement in their thinking.
Many breast feeding mums choose to have some sort of cover when needing to breast feed in public, regardless of the censors. Would you believe it, the little babies as they grow actually like to breast feed behind the cover - they instinctively pull the sweater, or shawl etc down over themselves as they feed.
To the breast feeding censors, oppressors, and discriminators I say GET A LIFE!!!
To the weirdos I say GET AWAY from the mother and baby GO FIND SOMETHING ELSE to focus on.
Mothers who breastfeed in public should have the decency to not show their breasts to the entire world. The argument that it is something natural is weak. Urinating is also a natural act but you don't want to see people doing that at your local restaurant. It is a shame that these mothers were to lazy to do this in private. I would think after gaining all that weight they could use the exercise.
ReplyDeleteUgh for the old lady who told the breastfeeding mom to go do it in the bathroom, I would have said "why don't you go eat your big Mac in the bathroom & see how you like it!!" I breastfed both of my girls. I try to be discreet about it...guess I do ok because I've never had anyone complain. Oh that will be the day..haha God gave us milk-producing breasts for a reason & I'm gonna use use them!! :)
ReplyDeleteI love boobs personally. If you cover your boobs, I want to see what you are hiding. Let the little suckers free! Set the big ones free too! Indecent? No. Just another example of government's millions of unwarranted intrusions upon our lives. Of course, there are some who should never expose their boobs in know who you are.
ReplyDeleteI'm 7 months pregnant, and I was told that I was not allowed to touch my stomach while at work because it was deemed offensive and sexually inappropriate. I think the issue involving breasts is different because it isn't just a method of nourishment; we have to accept the fact that it is also a sexual organ. My plan for dealing with this controversy is to pump breastmilk to carry in bottles with me for feeding. If properly stored, breastmilk can last several months in the fridge/freezer. Baby still gets the proper food, and people don't have to be offended. It really doesn't matter what anyone does, someone is always going to take offense to it. How many of these posters have piercings or tattoos? Think about it.
ReplyDeleteYou know what drives ME nuts? The women who judge me and look down upon me for not breastfeeding my children. Well guess what? I TRIED with each and every one of them, and I was physically unable to do it due to underdeveloped breasts. If I stuck with breastfeeding, my children would have starved to death. I get to sick of constantly hearing women brag about "exclusive breast feeding" like they are better than everyone else. It was heart breaking enough to realize that I was unable to provide nutrition for my children, i dont need to constantly have my face rubbed in it.
ReplyDeleteWhy is ok for a child to bottle feed anywhere but as soon as Nurse my baby I should go find a private place? I have to watch your child walk around with a bottle(which I think is gross)Maybe you should go take your child to a private place to give them a bottle! Not only am I feeding my baby but I am building their immune system! If you don't like it don't look! No one said you had to stop and stare at me or my nursing baby.I wish people would find better things to do with their time then worry about where and how my baby is eating!
ReplyDeleteVery True!
ReplyDeleteAll of you people that say "Just pump" don't realize how difficult pumping can be for some women! I can pump for 20-30 minutes and get TWO ounces of milk on a good day, when my son would take anywhere from 4-6 ounces. I would rather have my baby strapped to me than a pump, and I wasn't going to go hide out just because someone might be offended. I use a cover, it hides more of me than most women walking around with their breasts hanging out. I show respect by covering, people need to meet me halfway and show respect by not glaring at me just because you know what's going on under the cover. If it bothers you then stop thinking about it. I get bothered by women wearing clothes that don't fit them, but I don't glare at them for making me see skin oozing out; I look away. It works wonders.
ReplyDeleteyay!!!nursing rocks,and i dont really care who happens to see if my baby is starving,i sure as heck wont run and hide,raised 10 kids like this and i wouldnt change it,if it wasnt for nursing no one would even be here cause for centuries that was the way babies were fed ,since the beginning of time!!!the only problem are peoples warped,degenerated,minds,calling good evil and evil good,as we saw in the pictures,i dare any breastfeeding mom to ask some woman that doesnt know how to dress modest so her breasts are not exposed ,for the sake of fashion and immorality to go hide in the restroom till she can dress decent!!!!!
ReplyDeleteGreat post!! There's obscenity everywhere in today's society but breastfeeding is not one of them. I don't understanding why it's obscene to breastfeed in public when it's natural. If you are uncomfortable about it, don't look!
ReplyDeleteThank you for this post! I had twins and nursed them everywhere. Forget what "society" says, only YOU are the mother of YOUR babies. No. One. Else.
ReplyDeleteI have two children. When we are out in public, they rarely notice a mother breastfeeding, However, they do wonder why some young ladies walk around in see through tops with no bras. Or low cut tops with three quarters of their breast hanging out. Seriously?? That is okay but breast feeding our children is not?? Wow. What is disgusting is to know that society is okay with magazine covers showing totally naked women in check out lines, but a mother sitting at the back of a restaurant feeding her child is not acceptable. Wow...
ReplyDeleteyap..this is natural process .breastfeeding....
ReplyDeletebut the girls rooming around with short short dresses showing boobs without bra....
OK really like it wadsaid before there is a time and place for every thing. I'm all for breastfeeding but find it offensive for any women to expose her breath. Urinating in natural everyone does it doesn't mean I or anyone can just pull down their pants and go even if its a two yr old being potty trained who doesnt yet completely understand . So either cover up, pump and bottle or just stay home. s a two Yes
ReplyDeleteok Im back to add one more tidbit. I may open a can of worms here but ... doesn't the virgin Mary nurse jesus in ALOT if not most paintings?? just sayin.. if the vatican approves...
ReplyDeleteSo true!! I shared the link to this post on Facebook. :)
ReplyDeleteRight on ladies. I saw a woman breast feeding her 12 year old and I was ashamed so many people were offends. I guess it was because he was also eating oreos.
ReplyDeleteAnother thought on the why don't you pump debate? I did pump A LOT as a working mom and was fortunate to be able to pup A LOT with both of my sons. But around 9 months, the pumping production slows way down and I had to rely on my freezer stash to get us through without formula. So, I tried not to give my babies (especially #2--I had learned with #1 how hard it was to keep up) bottles when I was not at work. Why waste another bag from the freezer stash that I would need later? Also my second would not take a bottle from me even though he would drink 3 or 4 a day at daycare. If he knew I was around, he wanted to nurse. And no, I did not want to "just give them a bottle of formula" during these outings. Neither one of them ever had formula. Formula often causes all kinds of digestive issues and it takes a lot of trial and error to find a brand that "agrees" with your child. My babies never had any digestive issues on 100% breastmilk so why introduce chemicals that could possibly mess all of that up?
ReplyDeleteI did always nurse covered though, but have no problem with those that do not cover. I even nursed several times at my church's nursery and another mom who also did DID NOT cover (with other parents, including dads coming in and out and picking up/dropping off).
I <3 all of Taisha's comments BTW!
Personally, my opinion is people who look negatively on breast feeding in any way feel guilty either because they didn't breast feed their babies or feel guilty they didn't breastfeed them long enough. Any man who doesn't support their wife in breast feeding is an arse.
ReplyDeleteI had twins and I breast fed them until they were 15 months old. They never had a bottle or baby food. We started giving them a piglet yogurt and plain Cheerios at 11 months. I breast fed both at the same time nearly everytime. Yeah, I was sleep deprived but every second was worth it.
Part of the bonding experience is the baby looking into it's mother's eyes while trusting their mother is providing a basic. need. No wonder a baby doesn't like their head covered up. A baby is a learning machine they want to see their surroundings.
Sure men are visually sexually stimulated, but it is sick to think a mother feeding her baby is sexual. There are plenty of women walking around with a lot more breast showing in public places then anyone is going to see from a breast feeding mother.
Sad state this world is comming to to be complaining about a mother feeding her baby the most healthy natural food that God designed to nourish and supply immunities to a young baby.
the one's who complain seem to forget that they were breastfeed and no one complained about there mothers breast feeding but once we have gone politicaly correct we fuc everything up
ReplyDeletei was driving once and actually saw a woman in the back seat of a car, topless, on her knees over her babies carseat, with her boob in the baby's mouth. the car was driving!
ReplyDeleteI think breastfeeding is a natural, beautiful thing. I commend anyone able to do it and have no problem with seeing it in public. However, it doesn't always work out for every mom/baby and I find it offensive for breastfeeding moms to speak so horribly about formula. No one would willingly harm their baby with formula! Breastfeeding is best, but remember that it is short-lived & solid food is for the rest of their lives! I love how people go from breast milk to happy meals and thousands of other processed foods! We don't know what is in that either! Good Luck and more power to you ladies!!
ReplyDeleteI have no issues with moms who breastfeed in public. I'm not that confident so I pump after each feeding so I have a bottle of 100% breast milk on outings. Pumping came in handy because my first child had latching issues and we both became so frustrated that I gave up. A breast pump and bottles saved us. My second son and I have been more successful but I found I still need to pump in order to keep my supply up and because I don't like to breastfeed in public. It's not that Im worried of what people think, it is because I am a modest person and don't feel comfortable showing my breast in public. I suppose it is my insecurity but I'm not totally comfortable with another woman breastfeeding in public while I'm present. But I have enough sense and decorum to look away and I don't let everyone in the immediate area know how uncomfortable I am with it. I nurse in the privacy of my own home or a nursing mother's lounge If available but you won't see me breastfeeding in a public area.
ReplyDeleteI also pump because i know that i will return to a career that demands 12 hour shifts and i want my body to continue producing milk. Since it's neither possible or cost effective for my husband to bring my son to me at work each time he's hungry, the pump will keep my supply up if I pump at least twice in an 8 hour shift. I am lucky in that respect. I often get 4-6 oz each time I pump.
My point is: You can't control how others see you. Something that is natural and as beautiful as this bond between mother and child is going to be offensive to some and we can't help that. Our best bet is not to judge. I have gotten dirty looks at the doctors office as I bottle feed my son. I glare back and say, "There's breastmilk in this bottle, so knock it off.".y son is getting the best nutrition, it just happens to be coming from a bottle versus my boob
Just an opinion from a mom that does breastfeed but not in public.
I have to say I am appalled by some of the comments left on here. They really show that we have a long way to go as a society before breastfeeding is ever accepted as the norm once again. Some of the comments have bee rude, inappropriate, or just rather weird and show that some are confused as to what we are talking about here... feeding our babies. I encourage those of you with negative opinions to go back and read my previous comments where I've already addressed most of your arguments. No every baby tolerates a cover of any kind, not every breastfed baby accepts a bottle, and not every mom responds well to a pump. Breastfeeding moms are human as well and have things to do outside their homes. It is unreasonable and unfair to expect that we will never leave our homes just because our babies will need to eat and someone else may not like it. And it's not always easy to just plan your outings around baby's schedule. If you are feeding on demand, as is recommended to be best for the baby and your milk supply, baby can be eating at any time. My child would eat non stop as a newborn so, would you say I should never be allowed out of the house? Older babies and toddlers learn to nurse for comfort and need to nurse if they fall or get hurt or upset. Should these moms never go out because their baby might get a skinned knee at the playground and need to nurse and someone might get upset? Think about it, put yourself in our positions.
ReplyDeletePlease also keep in mind that the majority of breastfeeding moms are not just whipping out their breasts and showing them to everyone else as many of you assume. If you have ever seen a mom breastfeeding in public, more than likely you did not even notice what she was doing unless you were really close to her. Most of the time you can't see much if any skin at all. However, it is the thought of breastfeeding that somehow makes poeople uncomfortable. Take the incident at Target recently, Michelle Hickman was using a BLANKET over her baby yet was still asked to go somewhere else. I will never understand that but, again, it shows that we have a long way to go as a society.
(cont'd below)
(cont'd from above)
ReplyDeleteMichelle, I totally understand how you feel. I was VERY uncomfortable nursing in public at first as well. So much so that I would actually try not to go out much. It just wasn't normal and I became depressed for a while from being so isolated. I pumped sometimes but me and pumping didn't go so well as previously stated and it didn't always work out for us. It does get better. I have learned that if I wear a tank top under my shirt, I can unhook my bra and get my breast out of the tank top while still covered by my shirt and then lift the shirt just enough for the baby to latch on without anyone seeing anything. My shirt covers my breast and the tank top makes sure my stomach isn't showing either. It took a long time for me to get there but there is a suggestion for you in case you ever want or need to nurse in public.
Another point I want to make clear is that I believe in support without judgement for ALL mothers. I don not believe that a mom like Michelle who does not want to nurse in public is wrong. Nor do I believe that a mom who uses a cover or one who exposes her entire breast is wrong either. The same goes for pumping or bottle feeding. No one is perfect and no one is superior to others. We all do our best and make the decisions we feel are best for our children. No mom should ever be judged or made to feel bad for the way she feeds her baby whether that is breast, bottle, covered, uncovered, in public or at home. Every mother deserves support, being a mother is hard enough as it is. I am all for educating people on the benefits of breastfeeding, the risks of formula, and the alternatives to it and will be doing so in future posts. However, every mom has the right to make her own informed decisions. Although the number of moms who can not physically produce enough milk is very small, there are many reasons moms or babies cannot be breastfed exclusively or at all. I would like to show support to moms no matter how they feed their babies and wanted to be clear on that for the future.
Taisha - calling formula feeding easy is not "showing support to moms no matter how they feed their babies".
ReplyDeleteTaisha you keep preaching tolerance but first chance you had you insult the bellydancer who was "shaking her boobs" in a 2-yr-old's face. Stop perpetuating ignorant stereotypes of our art form. If you want to be so empowering to women, don't attack women. While some dancers may represent themselves in a less-than-classy manner, they do not represent our ancient and sacred cultural dance.
ReplyDeleteI do not feel that I have put anyone down. The few times I gave my baby formula, it WAS easier than when I pumped and fed him breast milk from a bottle. I was able to leave baby with my mom and have her feed him. Had I not been breastfeeding, I wouldn't even have had to worry about pumping to keep up supply or keep from becoming engorged. When I brought breast milk in a bottle with me anywhere, I had to carry a cooler with an ice pack to make sure the milk didn't spoil and then try to figure out how to warm the milk up with a hungry baby. And that's not counting the time spent pumping that milk. Of course, getting my baby latched on would have been A LOT easier but I was not yet comfortable feeding him in public yet. Perhaps what i meant is that formula feeding is easier than pumping to feed your baby breast milk, not breastfeeding itself. But in no way am I saying that a mom who formula feeds is wrong or inferior.
ReplyDeleteAs for the belly dancer, I have said NOTHING negative about belly dancers. I simply retold a story that I was told. According to that mom, at that particular restaurant, that particular belly dancer shook her breasts in front of a two year old yet the mom was asked not to breastfeed there. That is definitely a double standard and I'm sure you will agree. Perhaps you should be mad at that particular belly dancer and establishment for making your profession look bad.
I think the issue is the nipple.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I love breasts, and am not embarrassed by breast feeding, and am on board with the agenda here.
...but there are moments when I don't really know where to look... it feels a little awkward because what I see as a sexual part of a woman is there for the gawking. Not that I'd look, but there's that inner fight; the "don't look, don't look, there's a boobie hanging out, DOH!"
Does that make sense? I'm not against this at all, but I understand both sides of the problem.
I have a 17 month old and still breastfeed in public...cover or no cover, it doesn't matter. I dont feel embarassed about it - I'm offering my daughter nutrition! I am decent about it tho, I understand other ppl dont know where to "look" I am always aware of that. I don't pop the whole thing can barely see nething at all really.
ReplyDeletewhat happen to all the hippies and the way of " nature" REALLY!!!!!! seriously! I breastfeed all 3 of my babies and now 2 of my girls are breastfeeding thier babies and I would be sad if they didn't .These people who claim we need to get back to "nature" I ask you what is more than breastfeeding i saywe all tell those that feel offended LIVE WITH IT OR DON'T LOOK
ReplyDeletedon't knock breastfeeding until you have tried it! I have breastfed all three of my children and in more months when my 4th arrives I will breastfeed he or she as well. It's our right to do this in public or wherever we see fit for our children! No one can tells us otherwise. That's why why expose our breast, then quickly pull our child inwards to it to have them latch on! It's all covered from there! You know it's not like we are shaking our tits in a public street! If you want to see women doing that you can go to your local titty club! I kinda find that offensive! We aren't shaking our boobs in public to anyone! We are providing food for someone who can't go to the kitchen and feed themselves! I have looked and starred people down before and chewed out my own sister for telling me I shouldn't do that in public! I feel offended when I see a baby who is formula feed. Now don't get me wrong. There are a few circumstances when a baby should have formula, being a premie, being sick at birth and mom refusing to try and give her child the best start she can ! If you says your milk didn't come in, I have a hard time believing that! I was able to breastfeed three children, my own sister tried to give me crap about her milk never coming in. Yeah right! If you have it at least try and pump......try to do the right thing by your child! Plus look at all of the benefits you can have from this as well. More women should want to.
ReplyDeleteI love this post!! You would think if SOO many people were disgusted by breastfeeding without a cover than they would ask stores to make proper breastfeeding rooms.. not suggest we go to a dirty bathroom or our car to hide.. I have a 2 year old and can't always stop and sit in a room to nurse but now maybe if they had a play area attached to the room for the older kids and a nursing room for moms that would rock! I'd love a comfy rocker to sit in! BUTT it shouldn't be forced.. If America wasn't so sexual to begin with we wouldn't have this problem.. America has just become a very sexual country and refuses to admit that breasts weren't intended just for sexual pleasure! They are first and foremost for feeding children! For people comparing birth, menustartion, and using the restroom as the same thing as breastfeeding well those involve 1.lots of blood and 2.nasty stool or fecal matter 3.urine... nothing in breastmilk could contaminate you or even be seen! It's not like I'm sitting there leaking on the table with my breast just hanging out for you to see.. Most of the time you can't even tell when someone isn't using a cover.. It's eating. that is it! Soo the next time you want to eat cover your head and eat in a bathroom or your car because your just disgusting to come into the restaurant or walmart or whereever you are.. when you do that then I'll use a cover.